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Are you an existing Grano customer? This page provides links to Grano's systems.

Log in to the Mylly ordering system (CAD)

Mylly is Grano's ordering system for various print and CAD products. Accessing and submitting orders via Mylly requires a user account.

You can order a user account by pressing the ‘Register’ button on the front page of Mylly at mylly.grano.fi and filling out the form that opens up. Please note that your user account will not be activated immediately, as all Mylly user accounts need to be approved by an administrator.

Log in to the Sokopro ordering system

Soporo is a cloud service for data management, sharing and archiving. With SokoPro, all of your files – documents, images, drawings and much more – are securely stored on the cloud. SokoPro also features tools for managing calls for bids and properties.

Log in to Language Services’ customer portal

The Plunet client portal is Grano Language Services’ own ordering system. It is a convenient and quick way of submitting both requests for quotes and direct orders for translation projects to us.

Request a user account by sending a message to portaalitunnukset@grano.fi or by contacting your Language Services project manager.

Log in to the My Grano Order Channel

My Grano is an adaptable online service for the ordering, management, editing and distribution of your company’s marketing materials.

My Grano is a service customised to your company’s needs. You can request a user account or help with logging in to the service from your organisation’s My Grano administrator.

Log in to EMMi Digital Asset Management

EMMi Digital Asset Management is a service for the management, distribution and archiving of digital assets and the management of marketing projects.

EMMi is a service customised to your company’s needs. You can request a user account or help with signing in to the service from your organisation’s EMMi administrator.

Grano Shop, our webshop

Grano Shop features a wide range of products, including business cards, posters, table talkers, stickers, flyers and even beanbags! You can also use Grano Shop’s dedicated design tool to design your own print products, which you can then order and have delivered to your home in just a few days.

You can also sign in to Grano Shop to make the ordering process even faster. Order print products just the way you like them from Grano Shop, our webshop!