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Grano has invited designer Wataru Kumano to the Habitare Pro event

Grano has invited designer Wataru Kumano to the Habitare Pro event

Designer Wataru Kumano will be giving a talk on his work, design and the use of materials on the main stage at the Habitare Pro event. All international keynote speakers will appear on the Habitare main stage, and the main stage will also serve as the venue for interesting discussions on design.

Grano had the honour of inviting designer Wataru Kumano to share his thoughts on work and design on the Habitare Pro main stage on Friday 13 September at 13.30–14.00. Click here to see the event programme!

International designer Wataru Kumano

Wataru Kumano is an international designer who values good material. He was born in Tokyo in 1980 and moved to Finland in 2001. He studied future design at Lahti Polytechnic and later continued to Aalto University in Helsinki. When he moved back to Japan in 2008, he worked as a designer for Jasper Morrison Tokyo Studio. He founded his own ‘Kumano’ studio in 2011. Kumano is an international operator in the field of furniture, product and interior design. In 2021, Wataru Kumano was made Associate Professor at Musashino Art University.

Design focused on material

Wataru Kumano uses Hinoki or Japanese Cypress in his work. Hinoki is a soft wood, which is why it is a challenging material in terms of design. Nevertheless, Karimoku Furniture and MAS Furniture have found a way to preserve the beauty of Hinoki. On the main stage, Wataru Kumano will talk about how wood as a material impacts overall design.

MAS Furniture uses Japanese wood in its furniture. Their modern aesthetic also exudes warmth and elegance. The furniture honours the environment and also fits seamlessly with the Habitare theme of Layers.

Grano can be found in the Pro area

Here at Grano, we value high-quality materials, sustainability and responsibility, much like Wataru Kumano. Our booth, number 7f120, is located in the Pro division, where we exhibit solutions and means vital to designers who want to bring spaces to life. We are also exhibiting our fully recyclable AAPA furniture line designed by Mikko Paakkanen. We are looking forward to seeing you!