The traditional view of logistics consists of the transportation and storage of various items. However, it now includes the objective of managing complete delivery chains, functions and information, while considering the technical as well as financial aspects.
In addition to tangible objects, these so-called delivery chains can include information or electronic materials. Successful logistics have a significant effect on customer experience: if the product, service, or information you produce does not reach its users in time smoothly and cost-effectively, it may even be futile to produce the item at all.
Why waste tens of thousands of euros in producing the content of a novel, for example, if the distribution to the users is less than optimal? A book is a good example, because it can be distributed in printed form as well as electronically. However, both versions include the logistics element, which enables the users to access the product itself.
Producing logistical value is a fixed part of any modern product or service, or, as is becoming more and more typical, a combination of the two. The logistics element of a product can often produce more value to the user than the product itself or its technical quality.
One of the most illustrative everyday examples is the online shopping business: logistics value is created already when the customer can take care of business at home, on their own user interface, whereas before they used to have to actually go to another place.
In this case, logistics bring the required information and service directly to the customer, instead of the other way round.
Read more about how Valtra’s production chain has utilised Grano’s logistics competence.