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Animated video supports the launch of Fortum's new business culture

Animated video supports the launch of Fortum's new business culture

Grano has partnered with energy company Fortum for more than 15 years. Over the years, Grano has provided Fortum with diverse products from digital and offset printing to large format products. The latest endeavour by the duo was a Fortum corporate culture launch video produced by Grano and Fortum together. The animated video provided Fortum with a new way of communicating cultural priorities updated with the strategy to its staff.

Fortum is a Finnish energy company whose aim is to help societies achieve carbon neutrality. At the same time, the company wants to help clients grow and decarbonise their processes in a reliable and productive manner, while maintaining a balance with nature. In March 2023, Fortum published its new strategy focused on the Nordics.

“We are now smaller and quite different from the company we used to be. This means that our operations also need to change, and in order to change them, we published our new Fortum culture. It consists of three main principles – ‘Reach out’, ‘Courage’ and ‘One Fortum’ – which we want to communicate in this video,” says Tarja Hänninen, who is in charge of Fortum's visual identity.

Comprehensive implementation from idea to video

The story and the script of the video came from Fortum. Fortum and Grano discussed what would happen at each transition and in each image and so on. On the basis of a joint discussion and needs assessment, Grano created a storyboard for the video, drew the images and then animated the actual video. The video was named “One Fortum” and made available in different languages.

“We asked several companies for offers on making the video. Grano was the most cost-effective option,” Tarja says.

The video was specifically designed as an animated version without human performers for several reasons. Fortum already had the use of great cartoon characters designed by a creative agency. These characters came to life on the new video.

“We did not want to film the video with actual people to avoid viewers getting the idea that the content only related to the people on the video. Nor did we want any individual person to personify our culture,” Tarja says.

Fortumin yrityskulttuurivideo haluttiin toteuttaa nimenomaan animoituna versiona.

“Grano did a great job”

The video project was the first of its kind, but it went so well that Fortum will also consider ordering similar videos in the future. At their best, animated characters can work in a very diverse way in visualising brand messages and in various marketing materials.

“Grano did a great job and we could see ourselves ordering another video when necessary. The schedule for this video was insanely tight and yet it was completed within the agreed time frame. All I can say is that it worked really well,” Tarja says with a smile.

“The cooperation with Grano worked very well on the whole. We have been working with them for a long time. The good thing about Grano is that they meet our demands exactly. They're on schedule, fast, affordable and efficient. I think these are Grano's strengths,” Tarja sums up her experience.

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Animated video communicates the new culture of Fortum to its employees

  • Grano ja Fortum toteuttivat yhdessä Fortumin yrityskulttuuriin liittyvän animoidun lanseerausvideon.
  • Yli 15 vuoden kumppanuuden aikana Grano on tuottanut Fortumille monipuolisesti digi- ja offsetpainotuotteita.
  • Grano ja Fortum toteuttivat yhdessä Fortumin yrityskulttuuriin liittyvän animoidun lanseerausvideon.
  • Yli 15 vuoden kumppanuuden aikana Grano on tuottanut Fortumille monipuolisesti digi- ja offsetpainotuotteita.