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Case Löfbergs: Reusable point-of-sale mass presentation increases sales sustainably

Case Löfbergs: Reusable point-of-sale mass presentation increases sales sustainably

Löfbergs is a Swedish family-owned business and coffee roastery with a history stretching back over one hundred years. With the help of Grano, the roastery has been able to increase its recognition systematically in Finland, as well. The latest joint project involved a reusable and recyclable point-of-sale mass presentation stand for store environments. Grano was responsible for planning and implementing the stand from start to finish as a turnkey solution.

In 1906, brothers Anders, John and Josef Löfberg established a small coffee roastery in Karlstad, Sweden. Over the years, their operation grew and became more international, but the passion for dark roasted coffee persisted. The unique Löfbergs flavour has also found its way to Finnish coffee cups.

“Finland is the largest coffee market in the world, if you look at consumption per person,” says Head of Marketing and OOH Leif Sjöblom at Löfbergs Finland Oy with a smile.

Löfbergs was introduced to the Finnish market in the early 2000s. During the first few years, the company learned more about the market and Finnish spending habits. In 2012, the brand started to be built strategically.

“In the early years, our operations in Finland were an extension of our Swedish operations. Although we had the best of intentions, we had to concede that this was not Sweden. It took a few years for us to understand that we cannot merely translate Swedish brochures to Finnish and employ the Swedish way of doing things. We realised that we need to find a partner in Finland to do everything for us – prints, posters, decals and so on. That's when we found Grano,” Leif says.

Impressive and functional stand sells well

Thus far, Grano has produced various printed visibility products, illuminated signage and translation services for Löfbergs Finland for both the needs of the retail and Horeca branches. One of the latest cooperation projects is a reusable point-of-sale stand designed for store environments.

“We wanted a display that we could use several times in different stores,” Leif says.

The design work resulted in a scalable and modular entity. The finished stand is impressive and functional. Löfbergs was also provided with visual images that facilitate the marketing and sale of the presentation to shops. The stand was first tested in K-Citymarket Vantaa Jumbo.

“The location was agreed with Jumbo's shopkeeper. There is naturally a lot of competition for these locations, so getting it was a good thing in itself. Originally, the stand was supposed to stay in the store for a longer time, but it sold so well that it could then be removed a little earlier. We would have liked to have it there for a while longer, but we also received very good feedback from the store,” Leif says.

Granon Löfbergsille suunnittelema ja toteuttama massaesillepano on näyttävä ja kiihdytti tuotteiden myyntiä.

All materials can be recycled

All stand materials are not only reusable but also recyclable. Values related to responsibility are very important to Löfbergs, which is why the stand was designed so that it could be reused and eventually all the leftover materials could be recycled.

“We rely on Grano to provide us with products and services that are as responsible as possible. We know that they are doing their best in terms of responsibility. They are a trusted operator in the market,” Leif says.

“We also agreed with Grano that they would handle the stand installation, dismantling and storage. When we find our next location in a store, the process is going to be easy: we just email Grano and tell them when and where to install the presentation,” Leif continues.

“They never complain, they only find solutions”

According to Leif, Löfbergs and Grano are currently in contact almost daily. The contact people at Grano receive special praise for their positive attitude and dedication to solutions.

“Sometimes we need something tomorrow. Their approach is always that they will make it work somehow. They are also very fast. I may contact them and say that we're in a bit of a hurry. They are usually able to tackle any request. They never complain, they only find solutions. As a client, this is an ideal situation. Grano has good people with a good attitude,” Leif concludes.

Effective solutions in in-store marketing >>

Löfbergs products got a great presentation

  • Grano toteutti Löfbergsille täysin kierrätettävissä olevan massaesillepanon
  • Löfbergs Finlandin Oy:n markkinointipäällikkö ja Horeca-vastaava Leif Sjöblom antaa Granolle kiitokset pisitiivisuudesta ja ratkaisukeskeisyydestä.
  • Grano vastasi Löfbergs Finland Oy:n massaesillepanon asennuksesta, purkamisesta ja varastoinnista.
  • Grano tuottaa Löfbergsille myös näkyvyyspainotuotteita, valomainoksia ja käännöspalveluita.
  • Grano toteutti Löfbergsille täysin kierrätettävissä olevan massaesillepanon
  • Löfbergs Finlandin Oy:n markkinointipäällikkö ja Horeca-vastaava Leif Sjöblom antaa Granolle kiitokset pisitiivisuudesta ja ratkaisukeskeisyydestä.
  • Grano vastasi Löfbergs Finland Oy:n massaesillepanon asennuksesta, purkamisesta ja varastoinnista.
  • Grano tuottaa Löfbergsille myös näkyvyyspainotuotteita, valomainoksia ja käännöspalveluita.