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Pepsi trucks get new look through Grano's comprehensive marketing decals network

Pepsi trucks get new look through Grano's comprehensive marketing decals network

The drinks manufacturer Hartwall and Grano have been working together for 30 years and counting. One of their most recent joint projects is the car advertisement entity encompassing new vehicle graphics on a total of 17 delivery trucks related to Pepsi's global brand reform. The trucks, driving on roads all over Finland, can be seamlessly covered in decals regardless of their location thanks to Grano’s comprehensive network.

Pepsi is a cola drink beloved by many Finns, known for its irresistible flavour. Pepsi entered the Finnish market already in the 1960s, and its popularity among cola drinks has not wavered since. Hartwall has manufactured Pepsi since 1999.

Grano decal network covers all of Finland

Pepsi is currently introducing a global brand reform that will change Pepsi's visuals around the world. As part of this reform, all Hartwall's Pepsi transport vehicles will receive decals in keeping with the new look. Grano is in charge of the decals and other visual changes to the vehicles.

“We have worked with Grano for a long time. They are a major operator and a trusted player, so the choice was easy. Grano is able to operate throughout Finland. We have trucks all over Finland, which means that we require the ability to implement vehicle graphics across the country. The trucks are also driven every day, so the timetables for the implementation must be adjusted according to their schedule. In projects like this, Grano has always been a good, reliable partner,” says Hartwall Logistics Manager Tomi Heinäaho

“We have been able to create a good connection with Lasse Järvinen from Grano over the years. Lasse has been working on a number of projects related to car advertising for us. The same can be said for this project: he was the first person we called. We explained our situation to him and asked if Grano could help us. And his go-to answer is always ‘can-do,’ and he takes it from there,” Tomi says with a smile.

One car can reach up to 10,000 contacts per day

In addition to being an important part of the cohesive brand look, the new decals in keeping with the revamped visuals are also an important marketing tool. One car can reach a large number of potential customers in just one day.

“If a company has vehicles – be it cars, vans or lorries – they should always remember that one well-designed vehicle can reach up to 10,000 contacts per day. Why not use vehicle surfaces to strengthen the brand, promote products and increase sales as a result? In a way, vehicles are free-of-charge advertising surfaces,” says Lasse Järvinen, Grano’s Key Account Manager in charge of vehicle graphics and appearance products.

“It is precisely because of their overall cost-effectiveness that decals are worthwhile. The price of one contact can be calculated by adding up the cost of vehicle graphics from planning to installation and dividing it by the total number of contacts,” Lasse continues.

Ajokaluston teippaukset ovat merkittävä markkinointikeino.

“This has been easy for us”

The process of implementing vehicle graphics is well-thought-out at Grano. As a rule, the client only needs an idea at the beginning of the process. Grano will then take the idea and create a proof or virtual photo directly on the desired vehicle. The proof is then approved by the client and when ready, it will be produced. The whole process can be carried out in a matter of weeks.

“Grano's strength lies in our one-stop shop principle. We have the graphic designers, excellent production and, most importantly, a comprehensive installation network,” Lasse says.

“This has been easy for us. They provide layouts and we look them over and approve them. We have the opportunity to give notes, but as usual, we did not need to make any changes on this project. These things are often a slam dunk with Grano. It has always been easy to work with Grano. We know that they know their job and are professionals in this field,” Tomi summarises.

Thinking about some new vehicle graphics? Let us help you!

Vehicle graphics build brand and turn heads on the road

  • Hartwall Pepsin rekkojen uuden ilmaan mukaiset teippaukset taitettiin Granon Premediassa.
  • Pepsin uudet ajoneuvoteippaukset hoituivat yhden luukun periaatteella Granon kautta.
  • Hartwallin Tomi Heinäahon mukaan Granon kanssa on ollut aina helppo työskennellä.
  • Hartwall Pepsin ajoneuvoteippaukset valmistuvat Granon tuotannossa.
  • Pepsin uusi brändi-ilme jalkautettiin ajokalustoon Granon avulla.
  • Pepsin vanhat teipit poistettiin Granon hallissa Tuusulassa ja tilalle asennettiin uudet.
  • Grano pystyy hoitamaan ajoneuvoteippaukset maanlaajuisesti koko Suomessa.
  • Hyvin suunniteltu ajoneuvo voi tavoittaa jopa 10 000 kontaktia päivässä - ajoneuvon pintojen hyödyntäminen brändinvahvistamiseen kannattaa.
  • Hartwall Pepsin rekkojen uuden ilmaan mukaiset teippaukset taitettiin Granon Premediassa.
  • Pepsin uudet ajoneuvoteippaukset hoituivat yhden luukun periaatteella Granon kautta.
  • Hartwallin Tomi Heinäahon mukaan Granon kanssa on ollut aina helppo työskennellä.
  • Hartwall Pepsin ajoneuvoteippaukset valmistuvat Granon tuotannossa.
  • Pepsin uusi brändi-ilme jalkautettiin ajokalustoon Granon avulla.
  • Pepsin vanhat teipit poistettiin Granon hallissa Tuusulassa ja tilalle asennettiin uudet.
  • Grano pystyy hoitamaan ajoneuvoteippaukset maanlaajuisesti koko Suomessa.
  • Hyvin suunniteltu ajoneuvo voi tavoittaa jopa 10 000 kontaktia päivässä - ajoneuvon pintojen hyödyntäminen brändinvahvistamiseen kannattaa.
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