References - Grano — 17.11.2023 — min read time
Power of teamwork at the heart of Finnish football

Helsingin Jalkapalloklubi (HJK) is a name that elicits emotions in all Finnish football enthusiasts. As the premier Finnish football club, HJK has enjoyed a history full of successes, and its influence extends far beyond the pitch.
According to HJK Sales Director Esko Villman, the club is built upon three pillars: its teams, Bolt Arena and the heart of the club – HJK ry and junior activities. The club’s junior players, numbering just shy of 4,000, represent the future of HJK, and the club is dedicated to teaching them about responsibility from a young age.
A sustainable partnership
Grano is a long-term partner of HJK, with the advertising surfaces of Bolt Arena serving as an example of Grano's high quality. The partnership has flourished over the years, growing more flexible and customer-oriented over time.
Grano does not only provide advertising material; the company also serves as HJK’s advocate and representative when it comes to communicating with sponsors. Grano is known for fast deliveries, professionalism and, above all, its dedication to good customer service.
“I have been surprised by how well the people at Grano have been able to jump into the role of HJK and talk to our partners about the design and production of marketing materials for HJK’s channels and matches. While doing so, Grano serve as a representative of HJK, and the goal is to produce the agreed-upon materials conveniently and efficiently,” says Villman.
“In new sponsorships in particular, advertising surfaces are often the concrete first step at the start of the cooperation. In relation to this, it is important for Grano to work towards maintaining and strengthening the intended impression of the cooperation between HJK and the new sponsor,” Villman continues.
Responsibility at the heart of the partnership
One important aspect of the partnership between HJK and Grano is their shared vision of environmental responsibility. One of the objectives of HJK’s environmental responsibility programme, which was published in 2019, is to make both the club’s teams and Bolt Arena carbon neutral by 2025.
“As a socially responsible company, Grano is perfectly aligned with our vision. The advertising materials that they provide are completely carbon neutral, which contributes to our objectives,” Villman says.
A strategic partner
According to Villman, Grano is more than just a partner to HJK. They are a strategic partner. The partnership between HJK and Grano is a great example of what can be achieved when two institutions decide to work together for the greater good.
When asked whether he would recommend Grano to others, Villman's answer is clear: “Absolutely! The partnership has been very customer-oriented. Our partnership with Grano is built upon a solid business foundation, and they play an important role in our cooperation with sponsors.”