Code of Ethics
Code of ethics
Grano’s operations and decision-making are steered by our code of ethics, our vision for the future and the values defined for our operations.
We have updated our privacy policy to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and related legislation. The updated privacy statement is available below.
Trust is one of our key values
- A culture of trust in the working community
- Compliance with obligations to maintain secrecy
- Confidential interest group relations
Security provides the framework for our responsibility
- A secure working environment
- Data security that covers all operations
Our operations are steered by law
- National legislation and instructions issued by the authorities
- Compliance with ILO principles and UN rights
- Fulfilment of the criteria for environmental labels
We respect one another
- Personnel well-being
- Fair and equal treatment
- Personal value and privacy
- Zero tolerance for discrimination, threats and harassment
We take care of our personnel’s expertise
- Systematic orientation
- Continuous development and training
- Investment in managerial work
We reduce our environmental impact
- Waste management and emissions monitoring
- Eco-friendly materials
- Promotion of the circular economy
- Personnel training
We compete fairly
- Compliance with competition law
- Unconditional prohibition on cartels, corruption and bribery
- Honest and open communications