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Quality and Security

Quality Policy

Our mission is to provide a wide range of communication and technical documentation service solutions, cost-effectively and effortlessly. Quality is an essential factor in our success.

The factors in our high quality include the following:

  • meeting the customer’s expectations
  • a comprehensive service range
  • continuous development of products and service solutions
  • an enthusiastic and versatile staff
  • a methodical approach
  • economically viable operations

Our aim is to achieve customer satisfaction and long-term customer relationships. This is why we ensure that all our employees are aware of the quality of their work. Our management and employees are familiar with and understand our quality management system and policy, and are committed to the required operating principles and the continuous development of the system.

We are continuously training our employees and developing our operations by setting goals and using indicators that are monitored regularly.

Our quality management system complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard and covers all of our key operations. We comply with all local and national legislation, decrees and instructions issued by authorities. We also have a separate environmental management policy. 


Occupational health and safety policy

Employee well-being and safe working conditions are the foundation that all of our operations are built upon

Promoting occupational health and safety is one of our key focus areas in the area of social responsibility and everyday management. We want to ensure a safe and healthy operating environment for our employees and stakeholders and support the maintenance of our employees' work ability. Our goal is zero accidents, zero work-related diseases and zero tolerance for harassment and discrimination at the workplace.

We provide our employees with access to a more comprehensive range of occupational health care services than required by law. We monitor employee satisfaction and well-being regularly and work constantly to improve well-being. We focus especially on the development of managerial work, as workplace well-being stems from good leadership and management. We identify safety and security risks in our operations engage in continuous improvement to reduce them. We also encourage our employees to participate in the development of occupational safety. We maintain our employees' awareness and train our employees to identify the effects of their actions on occupational safety.

The development of our activities is supported by our occupational safety committee’s annual action plan. Occupational safety is a collaborative effort between management, employees and occupational health care services, which is coordinated by our occupational safety committee. The occupational safety committee monitors, develops and maintains practices that promote occupational health and safety and develops preventive measures

The company’s management and entire personnel are committed to constantly improving the level of occupational health and safety of all our operations.

Our operations comply with laws and regulations on occupational safety and health, and our occupational health and safety management system is ISO 45001 certified. As a member of the Vision Zero Forum, we are committed to preventing accidents and incidents in accordance with the Forum's principles.

The Grano Group's occupational health and safety policy defines the Group's objectives and focus areas regarding the development of a safer working environment and is observed at all of the Group's companies and activities.

Our Quality Certificates